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About Us

Emet V'Shalom is the reform congregation of Nahariya and the Western Galilee. Our congregation was founded in 1963. Most of the founders were immigrants from Germany and Central Europe, who were looking for a more liberal expression of Judaism. Emet V'Shalom is the oldest reform congregation in

Israel and today is the only non-orthodox synagogue in Nahariya.

Throughout the years, the original founders were joined by both native-born Israelis and new immigrants from English-speaking countries.  In the 1990's, our congregation was enriched by a large number of immigrants from Argentina and other Latin American countries.

Our congregation identifies with the Israel Movement for Reform and Progressive Judaism (IMPJ), which is the umbrella organization for all reform congregations in Israel. We receive most of our support from the IMPJ and from the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey (NNJ).

Today, we have several dozen members who regularly participate in weekly services, and hundreds of others who join us for Holiday services.




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